Title: Would you build yourself a wind turbine?
Author: Erwin Cod
Wind turbines are one of the best tools to harness the power of
the wind. Look at the wind from this point of view. It is the
most enduring sources of power. You go to bed with a light
breeze hitting your window pane and you wake up with it blowing
in your face.
You drive your car to work and it blows your hair and give you a
nice refreshing feel. Even when your eyes are groggy it touches
that spot and brings you back to life. The trees seem to enjoy
it because they dance as it blows. The birds they fly around in
it all day.
It is here to stay it never leaves. Isn't that what you would
consider a good source of energy to be. It is friendly with
nature, it does not pollute and most of all it is free. You can
have it whenever you want. As the quote by Victor Hugo says
"Madame, bear in mind That princes govern all things, save the
It can be harnessed by huge wind farms or by a simple turbine in
your backyard. Would you doubt the power of the wind. I will ask
again would you build yourself a wind turbine?
About the author:
Hi my name is Erwin Cod let me show you how you can build a
simple wind turbine to power your home even if you do not know
what it is. href="http://www.squidoo.com/homemade-wind-power">Click here
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